The Sound of the Soul

When you hear the word music, what do you think of? Is it rock and roll or classical? Do you think of piano lessons as a kid or your favorite band? Music is an amazing thing. It can transfer emotion, bring people together, or help you feel closer to the Lord. When I think of music, I think of calming church music, and a peaceful and joyful feeling. Music can be many things, can portray many things. It can heal broken hearts and sooth hurting souls. It can reach across across social and even language boundaries. From singing hymns at church to practicing musical instruments, music has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I love playing musical instruments. I've played a bit of everything, from the piano to the ukulele. When you think of ukulele you probably think of a tropical island like Hawaii. The ukulele is an amazing instrument and it's so unique! I've only been playing it for a few months but it is so fun to play! The piano is al...